Tuesday, November 9, 2010

They call me the wanderer

I've mastered the art of flirting in Spanish. That is only possible because flirting takes place in the present tense. You don't talk about how cute that bejazzeled button up shirt looked last week, it's all about the now. The tricky part, I've found, is actually following up with those flirtations. How do you plan the course of a relationship, or fight about past flirting at the bar, if you don't understand the future or past tenses? You don't. Hmm. I might be liking these Spanish relationships.
On a different note, my teaching job asked me to commit for more hours. That's both exciting, and finalizing. With my family back in Colorado, my dog in Chicago, and my heart somewhere in outer space, I just don't know where to be. With out the nagging draw of a terminal relationship in Denver, I have to look at what my anchor is. What keeps me in a place, or what should be keeping me in a place?
People that have this figured out have easy answers when people ask, 'why do you live in ____?'. Well my family is here. My job is here. I love it here. And just what are you supposed to do when you have different locations for all of those items? If I only loved one place, it would be simple. But every place has it's pros and cons. Chicago was huge and I never felt like I could grasp what it was. But I find myself missing the night drive home where I would drive north east on unknown streets until finding my main cross streets. It was nice to get lost. Now I'm down the rabbit hole, and I don't know which way is home.

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