Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Run Away

YET AGAIN, I'm starting over. While I'm excited about the prospect of pursuing my own goals, and doing things to create confidence in myself, I'm also exhausted. When I look back at the chapters of my life, they aren't a consecutive line. They don't flow smoothly from one plan to the next. They end abruptly, like unrelated short stories by the same author, smashed together to make the book of my life.

The pages don't want to touch
Once upon a time, there was a girl from Colorado. She lived there until she was 22. Then she ran away to Mexico.

La la la, Life is easy...

Then she ran away to Chicago for grad school to escape the crazy lifestyle she had created and do something serious.

Can you see the look of total confusion at not knowing what to do next?

Then she ran away back to Mexico because she realized she didn't want to live in Chicago, and that Mexico was much more fun.

My Mexican Party Hat

Then she ran away, back home, to settle down and get a "Real Life". Husband, Career, Dog, House. The white picket fence fantasy.

Sure, why not throw in some hydrangeas.

Can you guess what the girl did next? She ran away! The middle east this time. A choice in partners was made, and she began to create the foundation for the picket fence fantasy... except instead of a fence, it was sand. Instead of a dog, it was more sand.

Something seems a little off...

The end. The end to the running-away. I'm going to start running-towards. I'm going to run towards my goals. MY goals, not the socially imposed ones. I'm going to run towards surrounding myself with people that are positive and who are improving their own lives. I'm going to start running towards a youth sexuality education center to help kids with questions. I'm going to start running towards a life of helping others, which having a career that affords me time AND money. I'll let you know how it goes.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Taco Salad

After taking the stairs (FROM THE GYM) to my apartment on the 31st floor, I thought to myself, 'I think I'll have a salad'. What is happening to me?

Ok, so it was taco salad, but it counts
This is coming from the girl who's college friend had to convince her that one big mac was really enough, but if she wanted two, she should at least breathe between them. Since moving, however, I've developed quite the health routine. Gym and stairs every other day, and yoga in between (the yoga is a new thing).

Maybe it was my loving father, who, concerned about my laptop lifestyle, said before I left, "Make sure you work out in Bahrain".  Thanks dad. Does he do this to my sisters? Or is it only me that, when I go over a certain poundage, he likes to sweetly tell me how I've filled out?

Maybe it's the new friend who competes in bikini fitness competitions. After I told her I've started working out, but that I don't really know what I'm doing, she offered to do a gym sesh together so I could develop a routine. Buz saw her in the gym, and he came back wide eyed, saying, "believe me baby, you DO NOT want to work out with her". He's afraid I may die. He might be right.

This isn't her, but it looks strikingly similar.
Maybe it's that new year's resolution to work out every other day that nags me. I promised myself I would be a healthier person in Bahrain. I put on about 10 pounds from the holidays and from Buzzy's mom's cherry torte, and I was hoping to shed it. However, since we don't own a scale, nor does our gym have one, I have no idea where I am in regard to that number. It seems silly to purchase one just to torture myself.

But what I know it is- I want to be healthy. I want to feel like the chick on the cover of the yoga DVD we bought. Not look like her, although that would be nice, but feel like her. When I moved to Mexico after college, I decided it was time for debauchery. I would eat the three a.m. tacos, I would drink the vodka cranberries, and I would eat cake every damn day. I didn't let go in college, and I was determined to do it. Now, starting this new fase of my life, I've taken a new route. It's time to get on the fitness schedule that I will keep for the next 5 years or so. I'll be in my... gulp... 30's after that, so I better get used to working out.

Who knows if I'll keep it up. I hope I will... at least until the end of January.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Harmonious Habitation

In a week, for the first time, I will be moving in with a romantic partner. I am feeling kind of... trepidatious.  A nice little mix of nervous, anxious and curious. Of course, I decided it was a topic for the last girls' night I had. They had some tips -

1. Have separate baskets for our respective stuff. That way, one person can put the other person's things away and the other person will know where to look for it.

2. A shut door means you're Done. There will no longer be the option of going home when I'm mad. I am home. It's something I'm not sure how to handle, but my brilliant friend said in her household, when  you are having a disagreement, and you're at the point where you can't take any more- you leave the room and shut the door. It gives just enough space where you can cool down, and collect your thoughts. My addition- the only reason either party should open the door is to apologize. We'll see how that goes. :)

3. Finally, there is the possibility of rules. Each person can write a rule, and the other person gets to write one of their own. Tit for tat. For example, I can't stand a messy toothpaste tube. My rule may be to wipe off the toothpaste when it gets messy. His corresponding rule may be that I can only have one pair of shoes out at a time. One rule for one rule. Then we can see what things are really important, and which are things we can let go.

I was and am very grateful for these co-habitant hints.  Please tell me what tips you've learned over the years of living with another person (who you happen to love).