Wednesday, November 17, 2010

No Days at All

There's a bumper sticker that every white person living in Cabo has, which says, No Bad Days. I've hated it since the first time I saw it. Something about it irked me. What does that even mean? That there's no bad weather? Because apparently those people go to their New Hampshire house for hurricane season. Does it mean that you can't be sad here? Don't they watch Fox or read the local newspaper? There is plenty to be sad about.
This sticker that might ring more true if it said, "Few rainy days" or "Deceiving monotony". Not as cheery, granted, but less annoying. I've found that the sun, and the constant cycling of tourist seasons (and tourists) can turn this place into a black hole. When you see sun and surf and tan people floating by, time slips away from you. Every one experiences "vacation time" where the week in Cabo goes by in the blink of an eye. It has something to do with the relaxing atmosphere and the lack of schedule. Well, I live in vacation time.

The thing about Mexico and time is, they don't get along very well. Not in the conventional sense anyway. If you ever try to set an actual time for something (a date, an arrival, a bikini wax) you will see how fruitless it really is. Half an hour late is on time, and the same day is perfectly acceptable. This is perfect if you're on vacation, tanning and napping the day away. It gets harder when people are counting on you, but here, the expectations of promptness are very low. It's something that I'm struggling with, but in the end, it makes time fly. You never think about 3:00, you think about the delicious lunch you're eating. You never think about 7 pm dinner, you think about if you are rested or not. It snowballs until a week has gone by, and you only know that it has passed because it's ladies night again.

Windy days stand out now. It's a breeze of 70 degrees which has me shivering. That can only mean it's the winter here, which means I've been here for 6 months. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?
There was the sunny month, the hurricane month, the boy numbers 1, 2 and 3 month, and then there's this month. I haven't even unpacked all the way. The bad days got swallowed up in the sun and the work and the romance. I could see myself getting lost here. But lost from what reality? Where is found? End point- I'm boycotting that sticker, because bad days help to delinate the time, otherwise it's just a timewarp of tanning and napping.

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