Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Emotional Rapist

I've been called many things in my life, but an emotional rapist, that might take the cake. This was accompanied by 'needy', 'pushy' and 'vine jumper'. I like to think of these as translating to 'I know what I want', 'I'm not afraid to ask for it', and 'gets bored easily'. But there's no sugar coating a rapist.

It would make sense if, say, these barbs were dispensed by someone that I've emotionally raped (ok, I'll stop referencing it), but in reality, it was just someone passing through. Someone who, might actually be right.   There are not many times in my life where there was no one. No romantic partner, no fling, no booty call, no one.

There's always someone, and some times, those people made more of the 'relationship' than I did. I can count more than a few times where I was just having fun, but the person on the other end had bigger plans. Is this something that I should feel bad about? Is there an obligation to compare notes on where each person is at in the relationship and adjust accordingly? Ultimately, if you know someone isn't "The One", are you morally obliged to leave? How long do you give it to mature into something real?

I have to think that age plays a part in this. When I was in high school, I never asked myself if the person I was with was marriage material, and if I did ask, the answer didn't affect whether I would stay with them. I don't want to believe that now that I'm 25 every relationship has to be serious. However, I have been accused of 'fairy tale princess-ing' relationships by holding them up to the marriage-o-meter. Does this mean that if a partner of mine knows full well that they would never marry me, they need to tell me? Perhaps.

This truth speaking passer by noted, that even if people are on the same page in the relationship, they could be reading from different parts. A big part of me, and probably how I've acted in the past, believes it is every man for themselves. If you don't think things are going how or where you want them to, either change it, or leave. We're all adults here, and we need to be responsible for our actions and what we surround ourselves with. So I guess that does make me emotionally insensitive, but rape's a strong word.

*Note- This has very little to do with what's currently going on in my life. Just a train of thought brought on by some interesting insults.*

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